I am introducing the Cup of Tea Bundle in the NEW 2022 Annual Catalog. I am continuing to mix it up a bit this week on the blog. It is the first full week of the BRAND NEW 2023 Annual Catalog, so I wanted to show off a variety of products instead of concentrating on just one Bundle this week. But next week, I will choose one and concentrate on it all week.

Just like yesterday’s card, this card was designed by my upline Melissa. She has a bi-monthly team meeting in her home. We eat, chat, and make projects. This is one of the cards we made. It features the Cup of Tea Bundle and Tea Boutique DSP. All products used will be linked below near the end of the blog post.
I will have YouTube videos this week, but they will not be on this week’s cards. If you subscribe to my channel, you will get notifications of when I post new videos. To go to my channel and subscribe, click here.
Check out the close-ups of this card made with the Cup of Tea Bundle.

I had so much fun making this project for you. Click here to see last Monday’s blog post.
Below are photos of the products used for this project click the links to be taken to my online store and purchase those items.
Product Info
Product ListMore Information

Remember, every order made from my online store receives my May CUSTOMER APPRECIATION CARD. If your order is over $50, you’ll get the card plus my May Tutorial Bundle, a pdf document with more than 30 projects to inspire you! I email it out to those who earn it at the beginning of the following month. It is my way to thank you for supporting my small business. In turn, it gives you ideas for projects to make with the supplies you are purchasing.
Thank you for supporting my small business and ordering from me.
Use the Hostess Code.
May’s Hostess Code is AEZFEY6C. Use it for orders under $150.00.
Using that helps me bring you videos every week and helps provide the pdfs and gifts of appreciation. Thank you again for your support!
You can shop in my online store here.
Thank you for supporting my small business!
Class Information
This year I also instituted a Kit-Together on the first Friday of the month at 7 pm EST. May’s was on the 6th. June’s will be the 4th. Contact me if you would like to attend. Bring a Kit to work on. Feel free to also bring a friend. You can order one from my online store search under Kit Collection, or I have a few kits on hand that you can get cash and carry. I hope you will attend.
Also, I will have our Paper Pumpkin Procrastinators Group meet on the last Friday of the month also at 7 pm EST. This month’s gathering is on the 27th of May. That is my way of assuring that all my subscribers get their kits done every month.
As always, thank you for visiting me 🙂
See you soon. Happy Stamping!
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